what we do?

we build brands. we grow companies.


web design and development.

From simple informational sites, to full blown e-commerce sites, we build them all. Landing pages, sales funnels, not a problem. Leave it to us!


Your brand determines your success. It speaks to the world on what your company represents.  From logo design to complete corporate branding campaigns, Contrivex has you covered.

digital markerting

Email outreach campaigns, video ads, social media growth, from facebook to google, bing to instagram, we live and breathe digital and we are marketing experts. We can’t wait to help you grow!

all services.

this is how we can help you.

website design & development

The always on window into what you do. Let us design a website that not only looks amazing, but converts into business for you!

search engine optimization

Beautiful websites don’t make money. Let our team help you rank in search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.

mobile app development

Over 67% of all internet traffic now occurs on mobile devices. We can help with everything from dedicated mobile apps to mobile optimized websites,

website hosting & maintenence

Never worry about your website again. Our ultra-fast dedicated servers and team of engineers will keep your site tuned up and in business!

branding & identity

Your brand is the most memorable impression left on a client. Great logos and branding is worth its weight in gold.

website speed optimzation

Fast hosting isn’t all you need. From image compression to database cleanup, we know what it takes to make your website fly!

social media growth

From content creation to growth automation. We keep you looking good and keep your number of followers growing!

YouTube SEO

Video is the next big thing, and it’s already here. YouTube is the second largest search engine. We can help you get more views and subscribers!

email marketing

Emails convert. Billions of people check their email everyday, click and convert. We can help you get in all those inboxes!

paid ads management

Over  one billion dollars was spent on google and facebook ads this year. Why? Because they work, and we can help!

video ad production

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Video is definitely worth a million. Video is the future. 

digital marketing

From landing pages, to automated workflows, digital courses to ebooks, sales funnels to CRM. We have experts that can help.


Digital marketing, branding and website design. We do it, and we do a damn good job. 

websites created
logos designed
brands built

Countless other projects, but most importantly…

happy clients

don't be shy, say hello.

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